New class on schedule starting Thursday 11 January from 16:00-17:15

We are expanding our schedule of regular classes with a Kundalini Yoga Class every thursday afternoon from 16:00-17:15!

Kundalini Yoga embodies dynamic movement, breathing techniques, mantra, mudra and deep meditation and relaxation.


Kundalini Yoga is the practice of awakening our truest Self and our true purpose in life. It is a liberating and transformative form of yoga offering a unique and uplifting blend of spiritual and physical practices teaching you the art of relaxation, self-healing and elevation. It balances the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system and it helps to let go of trapped and scattered energies in the body, mind and emotions so that life force energy can flow freely inside and out once more. Feeling refreshed, energized and renewed.

Kundalini is an ancient Sanskrit word that literally means ”coiled snake”. In the early Eastern religion it was and still is believed that each person was born with this divine feminine energy at the base of the spine. The flow of energy and consciousness that lives within each one of us. Each person possesses this energy and it was thought to be the sacred energy of creation. We are born with this energy, but we must make a conscious effort to uncoil it.

“Kundalini Yoga is deeply healing and transformative. Always different inviting you to reach and unlock your inner gifts.
Kundalini shows you where you are in each specific moment inviting you to ignite your inner power, love and wisdom.
You have everything inside yourself to open to who you are. All is in You.”




Every week we journey through a specific theme. From releasing fear, to making yourself more strong, focussed and radiant. Always guided to approach your journey from a place of conscious care.

Each class is different but always deeply nurturing, energetic and transformative.

During the classes you are lovingly guided to release whatever it is that you want to let go of step by step within your own natural pace.

Join our heart opening sessions and discover the beauty and power of Kundalini Yoga for yourself. Everybody is welcome in these classes.


About Maaike Aker

Maaike has over 15 years’ experience in yoga and meditation. She teaches and practices Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with great care and passion. Brought up to embrace the spiritual path by her mother and grandmother, Maaike was encouraged  to explore her own spiritual journey from a young age.  It was in Bali that she fell deeply in love with Kundalini Yoga. It was like a fire lighted up inside her and from that moment on her life was never the same.

Yoga and meditation brought her back to her true nature, to a place of love, stillness, trust, and serenity. For that, she feels forever grateful. To have (re) discovered that within the depth of her own being. Walking the path of honest Self discovery it isn’t always an ‘easy’ journey,  but still it is a journey that she deeply cherishes. A journey full of growth and blossoming. Her life became simpler but at the same time so much more enriched.

The path of yoga has changed her life from the inside out, and it still does, and she feels grateful for all the gifts she has received whilst traveling in her inner world, and she still does. It is because of her own transformation that she has made it her intention and passion to share the beauty and joy of yoga and meditation in uplifting and transformative Kundalini journeys and retreats that she offers.

In her classes she combines power with softness leaving you feel refreshed, rejuvenated and full of inspiration. She is looking forward to welcome you in her classes.

When she is not on the yogamat she enjoys reading, traveling,exploring  and just dancing around in this journey called life.


You have no need to travel anywhere – journey within yourself. Enter a mine of rubies and bathe in the splendor of your own light. 
— Rumi

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