SPECIAL CLASS | Voice Liberation

Voice Liberation is a form of free expression that gives energy and helps release emotions. What yoga does for the body, voice liberation does for the voice and emotions.
SPECIAL CLASS | Voice Liberation


Discover the power of your voice!

Feel free when you speak, free to make noise. Take up your space.

Voice liberation is a form of free expression that gives energy and helps release emotions. What yoga does for the body, voice liberation does for the voice and emotions.

Voice liberation is literally about freeing your voice. Our voice is made to be heard, and we usually use it without thinking. When we start singing it will be different. Often we shy away from our own sound or have all kinds of judgments about it. We want more, higher, and harder, but at the same time, we don’t dare. Imagine being heard!

Voice liberation helps you to investigate what your own sound is, and to find out where your voice sounds or feels the best. And especially to feel when our voice is ‘true’. When does our voice really say something about ourselves, our desires, our joys, our pains, and our soul?

During the special class Voice Liberation, we will playfully discover what your voice wants and what space you can make at the moment.

Step by step I will take you into the wonderful world of your voice. We will land in our bodies through movement, warm up our voices, and slowly start making more space for you!

You can only experience voice liberation, be surprised by your own sound!



DATES  |  SATURDAY 25 may from 12:30 to 13:45    or
SATURDAY 22 june from 12:30 to 13:45

LOCATION  |  Shala 2, Yoga Circle, De Clercqstraat 66-68

PRICES  |  Regular class fees, you can use any of our pricing option to book this special class (excluding off peak membership).
Single class price €20.

REGISTRATION  |  You can book this special class via the regular schedule.




Luna Ridderhof

Luna has a master’s degree in Social Psychology, is a Professional Coach, and graduated as a voice liberator at Jan Kortie (center for voice liberation). She started her career as a business psychologist and soon made the shift to independent trainer and coach. She guided many thousands of people in the field of personal development.

Focused on communication from the heart, authenticity, and free expression, she founded the training agency Speaking Up, with which she developed Public Speaking training courses using her own methodology. Now she focuses on her great love of voice liberation and gives workshops, training, and individual coaching.

Find Your Voice is her latest creation and will start again in the spring of 2024. Her big passion in life is to investigate the deeper intelligence within us and figure out how we can access it. Experiencing and expressing emotions always turned out to be an important key in this. Voice liberation became her favorite tool to connect people to their feelings, unleash their power, and help facilitate personal growth.

You can find more information about Luna on her website.




We offer special classes on a variety of topics with different teachers and generally on friday evenings. You will find these special classes on the online schedule and they can be booked with the same cards/memberships as per the regular classes. We hope in this way to enrich your experience of yoga with us, with a touch of inspiration coming from a different prospective.

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