The Sound of Yoga | Jivamukti Workshop + Kirtan with Jules Febre

A special evening workshop with guest teacher Jules Febre in the Jivamukti Yoga tradition. There will be a vigorous āsana practice followed by an hour kirtan/satsang that will include meditation, mantra singing, chanting and community time together.
You are invited to join this special evening session with guest teacher Jules Febre in the Jivamukti Yoga tradition.

This evening of āsana and kirtan is an exploration into the vibrational quality of the world around and between us. According to yogic texts there are two kinds of sounds, those that are made by two things coming together like hands clapping or air passing through the vocal folds in the throat. Then there is a second sound or vibrational quality that is un-struck, without two but more like a quiver and is called the anāhatanādam.

This evening we will use our bodies and our voices to look for a way from the struck to the un-struck from the gross to the subtle. Join us for 75min of vigorous āsana practice followed by an hour kirtan/satsang that will include chanting, meditation and if we are lucky some un-struck sound.

The Kirtan/Satsangs with Jules are amazing opportunities to sit together with a cup of tea, to contemplate on some yogic thoughts, challenge some old beliefs and get inspired by a deeper truth which might emerge. We will enjoy the power of collective voice, mantra singing, chanting and laughing together during this special evening of kirtan and community and collect some money for a good cause.

There will be a 15 mins break in between the asana practice and the satsang to rearrange the room.

When you sign up for the workshop, your ticket includes the Kirtan/Satsang session as well. Alternatively you can sign up just for the Kirtan/Satsang starting at 20:00.




Date | Friday 4 October
Time | 18:30-19:45 asana practice + 20:00-21:00 kirtan/satsang
Location | Yoga Circle @ De Clercqstraat 66-68 (shala 1)
Price | €45/€40 for Yoga Circle Members (for the full workshop)
€15 for the kirtan/satsang only (all proceeds will be donated to Save The Children NL – click here to register for the kirtan only)

NB: Yoga Circle Members : please send an email to [email protected] to request your discount code BEFORE registering for the full workshop

Level | everyone’s welcome
Cancellation |  You will get a full refund if you cancel up to 3 weeks prior to the start of the workshop. Within 3 weeks there will be no refund, but you can of course arrange to transfer your spot to someone else.



Jules Febre was born and raised in a section of New York City known as the Lower East Side. At the age of 13, Jules spent three months in India; two of which were spent in Mysore studying Ashtanga Yoga with Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois. During that time he was invited to share satsang with Swami Nirmalananda and Shyam Das, two radical yogis that have each contributed greatly to the progression of yoga in the West. At the age of 16 Jules began working at the Jivamukti Yoga School helping to clean, and is now considered one of the leading teachers of the Jivamukti Yoga method, teaching the method world wide as well as facilitating at the very highly regarded teacher training programs.

Jules travels and teaches for a major part of each year, including Europe, Australia, Asia, and more. His classes offer a wide range and depth of understanding of Yoga Asana as well as Meditation, Chanting, and Yoga Philosophy.

Teaching yoga is Jules’ passion. He is grateful to his teachers, Sharonji (Gannon), Davidji (Life) who he has had the privilege of studying with for over 15 years, for igniting his devotion to the Jivamukti Yoga practice and for inspiring countless students around the world.

“Much of our time is spent in a virtual world of computers, phones and many other automated transactions. We are always choosing how to spend our time, which shapes our lives. The power of coming together, of sharing ideas, insights and practicing asana lends one to become more receptive. As we undertake this journey, we may do so together and thus together we come to realize the vastness of our existence.”—Jules Febre



The Jivamukti Yoga method is recognized by TIME magazine as one of the nine methods of Hatha Yoga taught in the world today. A Jivamukti Yoga class involves an ever changing flow of postures (vinyasa) that is intended to challenge you on many levels. Each class revolves around a theme based on ancient wisdom and emphasizes the importance of practicing with an elevated intention. Asana, chanting, meditation, breath awareness and inspiring music are a part of every class.

The five tenets of Jivamukti Yoga are:

  1. Scripture ~ source teachings from the ancient Sanskrit scriptures.
  2. Bhakti ~ devotion; finding a greater purpose for our lives.
  3. Ahimsa ~ non-harming; understanding how our actions affect other beings.
  4. Music ~ Nada Yoga (the yoga of sound), chanting and listening to good music.
  5. Meditation ~ turning inwards and reconnecting to our true selves.

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