SPECIAL CLASS | Kundalini for the Soul

A transformative and healing session to connect to your Soul. With dynamic poses, stillness, breathwork and meditation you embark upon a beautiful (inner) journey. A journey of self love, connection and awakening of your Radiant Heart.

SPECIAL CLASS | Kundalini for the Soul

A transformative and healing session to connect to your Soul.
Beautiful people, be welcome to our dive deep and up Kundalini session.
Kundalini Yoga invites you to meditate in the postures. To close your eyes, to connect with your breath, your body, your soul,  and to allow yourself to go deeply within. To feel, to explore and to connect with the ever-present vibration of your inner silence. It is within these moments of pause, of inner stillness that you can truly listen… It is within these moment of stillness that your Soul can truly shine.
Join us in this beautiful class guiding you to connect you with your inner compass. The world for some is a busy one, mainly focused on the outer world and at times feeling restless. When our attention is focused at the outer world it is difficult to connect to our own inner wisdom, your internal compass that guides you along the way. When you learn to shift your attention more and more inward you naturally connect with your inner most self. You learn to trust your inner voice; your intuition and you can truly connect with and trust the light within.
Kundalini yoga is empowering, transformative and truly healing. With dynamic poses, stillness, breathwork and meditation you embark upon a beautiful (inner) journey.
Join our heart opening evening and discover the beauty and power of Kundalini Yoga for yourself. We are looking forward to welcome you



DATES  |  FRIDAY 18th October, from 20:00 to 21:15
(next Kundalini Special Class for the Heart will be on 15th November)

LOCATION  |  Shala 1, Yoga Circle, De Clercqstraat 66-68

PRICES  |  Regular class fees, you can use any of our pricing option to book this special class.
Single class price €20.

REGISTRATION  |  You can book this special class via the regular schedule.



Maaike has over 15 years’ experience in yoga and meditation. She teaches and practices Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with great care and passion. Brought up to embrace the spiritual path by her mother and grandmother, Maaike was encouraged to explore her own spiritual journey from a young age. It was in Bali that she fell deeply in love with Kundalini Yoga. It was like a fire lighted up inside her and from that moment on her life was never the same.

Yoga and meditation brought her back to her true nature, to a place of love, stillness, trust, and serenity. For that, she feels forever grateful. To have (re) discovered that within the depth of her own being. Walking the path of honest Self discovery it isn’t always an ‘easy’ journey, but still it is a journey that she deeply cherishes. A journey full of growth and blossoming. Her life became simpler but at the same time so much more enriched.

The path of yoga has changed her life from the inside out, and it still does, and she feels grateful for all the gifts she has received whilst traveling in her inner world, and she still does. It is because of her own transformation that she has made it her intention and passion to share the beauty and joy of yoga and meditation in uplifting and transformative Kundalini journeys and retreats that she offers.

In her classes she combines power with softness leaving you feel refreshed, rejuvenated and full of inspiration. She is looking forward to welcome you in her classes.

When she is not on the yogamat she enjoys reading, traveling, exploring and just dancing around in this journey called life.

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