SPECIAL CLASS | Mantra & Heartsongs Singing Circle

Experience the power of music and opening the heart during this singing circle where Matthieu creates a safe and inspiring space, with a relaxed and accessible atmosphere.

This evening, we will sing together from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM under the guidance of Matthieu Gomchen.

We will sing English heartsongs and Indian chants. Matthieu has been guiding singing circles and other musical and meditation gatherings for many years in and around Amsterdam, as well as in other parts of the country. With humor, a down-to-earth spiritual attitude, and extensive experience, these evenings have a warm and relaxed atmosphere.

Everyone is free to experience these gatherings in their own way: some simply enjoy the singing itself, others cherish the connection with the group, and still others see it as a form of meditation or as the practice of bhakti (devotion). All of these are equally welcome!

Together, we create a safe and inspiring space where everyone can be themselves and share in the collective experience. Singing together means stepping away from daily life for a while, experiencing the power of music, and opening the heart. At the same time, the evening is simply enjoyable and fun. The gathering is suitable for both beginners and experienced participants; lyrics will be provided.


DATES  |  FRIDAY 17th January, from 20:00 to 22:00  or
FRIDAY 14th February, from 20:00 to 22:00 or

LOCATION  |  Shala 1, Yoga Circle, De Clercqstraat 66-68

PRICES  |  Regular class fees, you can use any of our pricing option to book this special class.
Single class price €20.

REGISTRATION  |  You can book this special class via the regular schedule.


Matthieu Gomchen

Matthieu has been playing guitar and other instruments for over 30 years. His first experiences with heartsongs and bhajans (chants) came from India and around campfires at Rainbow Gatherings. Since then, he has been leading singing circles in the Netherlands for many years. His background in yoga and Buddhism, clinical psychology, and spiritual care adds an extra layer of depth to his gatherings. He also leads a weekly Tibetan Buddhist group.

Singing has many “layers”: letting your voice be heard also means working with attention and emotion. Singing with dedication, mindfulness, and full engagement can, if you choose, become a powerful practice on the path of yoga and self-awareness. At the same time, the atmosphere remains relaxed and accessible. And while we may experience the magic and depth of singing, we always keep it grounded.

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