SPECIAL CLASS | Transformational Breathing Circle

Transformational Breathing Circle to explore deeper layers of the physical, emotional and spiritual body so to arrive into the present moment.

SPECIAL CLASS | Transformational Breathing Circle


Exploring deeper layers of the physical, emotional and spiritual body to arrive into the present moment.

“Joy is not about feeling good its about feeling everything”

We will travel on our breath through our mental and emotional obstructions stored in our bodies. We’ll learn to accept all as part of us which makes us humble and so beautiful. It can make our sorrow lose its force and it will become our building stones for true peace.

This evening we make a circle to connect with ourselves again, with each other and with all. We start with an introduction in which we explain the connective breathing technique. There is time for questions. After some simple exercises to open and connect with the body we go through a 30 – 45 minute breath work session and a 15 – 20 minutes integration time. Afterwards there is time to share, drink tea and eat something.

Please wear comfy clothing, you can bring your favourite blanket, perhaps a sheepskin, a water bottle and warm socks. We have blankets available as well. Garmt and Nick will make sure that you will be guided safely into the present moment.



DATES  |  FRIDAY 4th April, from 20:00 to 21:30, OR
FRIDAY 23rd May, from 20:00 to 21:30, OR
FRIDAY 4th July, from 20:00 to 21:30, OR
FRIDAY 29th August, from 20:00 to 21:30, OR
FRIDAY 10th October, from 20:00 to 21:30, OR
FRIDAY 12th December, from 20:00 to 21:30

LOCATION  |  Shala 1, Yoga Circle, De Clercqstraat 66-68

PRICES  |  Regular class fees, you can use any of our pricing option to book this special class.
Single class price €20.

REGISTRATION  |  You can book this special class via the regular schedule.


Please note that there are contra-indications for this breathwork class:
– This class is not recommended if you have (had) epilepsy or a history of psychosis
– If you are pregnant, or you have high blood pressure, or high eye pressure, talk to the teacher before the start of the class





Garmt Wiersma


Garmt teaches Vinyasa Yoga and Breathwork classes.
With his colourful classic tales and sages, Garmt guides you through his classes with lightness and humor. Bringing you back to this very moment in where he shows you a different perspective and an inspiring world.

Garmt started to practice yoga around 1996 in Greece and India, and has his background in Vinyasa, Anusara, yin and breathwork. Garmt was taught by various teachers as Clive Sheridan, David Swenson, Matthew Sweeny, Jayendra Hanley, Patrick Vermeulen and Gosta van Dam. With his love for meditation and breathwork Garmt will bring along both playfulness and depth.




Nick teaches connective breathwork classes, with an intention on creating a connection with yourself and feeling safe in the body.

Nick’s personal journey in yoga and breathwork started 7 years ago, when he got curious about self development. His practice got him to study meditation, and he is now studying Yin Yoga. He facilitates breathwork circles, group sessions, and also guides 1:1. In addition, he works as a sourdough baker and chef for retreats and has a big passion for slow food and fermentation.

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