A special class to learn how to tune into the wisdom of your womb and pelvic area and explore how this is connected energetically and physically to the heart and throat.

You are invited to this special class to explore the seat of your feminine creativity – your womb.

The womb has a life of its own, it goes through her own shifts and changes both within the monthly cycle and within our lifetime. It changes shape, expands and contracts, experiences pleasure and pain, joy and hurt. The womb is the organ that carries and brings new life to this Earth and by  ‘life’ we don’t only mean human life, rather creation and actualization of projects, ideas, art and more. It is the seat of feminine creative energy. And even when the womb/uterus is removed (hysterectomy) its energy is still alive within your body.

In this practice you will learn to tune into the wisdom of your womb and pelvic area and explore how this is connected energetically and physically to the heart and the throat. We will move from a gentle flow into restorative postures to end in a nurturing long savasana, while tuning into the feminine qualities of flow, surrender, nurture and deep relaxation. Expect this practice to feel like a warm hug with elements of aromatherapy, sound and self-massage.

This class is for all people born female / with a womb space and is also suitable for pregnant women, however keep in mind that the work we will do does not focus on pregnancy.


DATES  |  FRIDAY 24 January, from 20:00 to 21:15  or
FRIDAY 14 March, from 20:00 to 21:15 or
FRIDAY 8 August, from 20:00 to 21:15 or
FRIDAY 24 October from 20:00 to 21:15

LOCATION  |  Shala 1, Yoga Circle, De Clercqstraat 66-68

PRICES  |  Regular class fees, you can use any of our pricing option to book this special class.
Single class price €20.

REGISTRATION  |  You can book this special class via the regular schedule.



Veronica Santiniveronica santini yoga

Veronica believes that each student needs to feel empowered to practice in a way that feels authentic and good to them. Her style, thoughtful and precise, always aims to be non-prescriptive, so that you can make each practice become your own inner explorative journey.

Veronica started practicing yoga at 15 years old, when she joined her mum to weekly Iyengar yoga classes. The first thing that struck her was the power of slow deep breathing.

She has been teaching yoga since 2014 and is certified in Vinyasa yoga, Yin yoga and specialised in Yoga for Female Health, Menopause Yoga and Pelvic Floor Yoga. Her teaching style has been infused by amazing teachers, such as Janet Stone, Tiffany Cruishank and Leslie Howard.

When Veronica is not teaching or practicing yoga, you can find her sipping a chai latte with friends, sunbathing on the beach or day-dreaming of doing it.

“My mission is to break taboos and create a community in which women can talk freely and feel empowered to share their experiences. I’m committed to helping women like you find ways to process their story, alchemise their emotions, and find confidence and joy within — no matter what life throws at them.”

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